Maya Whalen-Kipp is the Network Manager leading the growth and development of the American Green Bank Consortium. Which is CGC’s network of partnered organizations across the country with the shared mission of providing creative financing tools to expand and accelerate clean energy innovation and adoption across the country.
Before joining CGC, most recently Maya worked as an independent nonprofit consultant and spent four years working at the US Department Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. At DOE she was part of creating some of the first Justice40 programs progressing energy equity, workforce development, and diverse entrepreneurship in the ocean renewable energy space.
She initially launched her clean energy career in a community solar start-up where Maya was the Director of a nationwide team leading the way on community solar education, outreach, and engagement. With the goal to empower all people to access the benefits of clean energy.
Maya is a Queens NY native and ocean scientist turned clean energy professional. She is a graduate of Union College with a B.S. in Biology and Bard College with a M.S. in Environmental Policy with a focused on international indigenous ocean governance conducting research in Mexico, New Zealand, Panama, Cambodia and served in the Peace Corps in Fiji. She is alumnus of the Clean Energy Leadership Institute (CELI), E2 Hotel 1, and Green Leadership Trust Fellowship programs.