Solar for All
Coalition for Green Capital Selected for Funding through Solar for All.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) selected Coalition for Green Capital’s (CGC) application for a $125 million grant award to provide financial and technical assistance enabling underserved households across the state to access solar and energy storage in North and South Dakota.
Funding through this program in not yet available to households in North and South Dakota. CGC is working to make funding as soon as possible. Through the remainder of 2024 CGC is working closely with EPA to comply with necessary federal requirements in order to draw program funds.
Coalition for Green Capital will be kicking off the North and South Dakota Solar for All programs on June 6 at 3 pm ET. Here’s a link to register:
Consumer protection notice – Solar for All program funding is not yet available. North and South Dakotans should be aware of bad actors attempting to use this high-profile program to spread scam offers. Offers of “free solar” to low-income households because of this program – whether received via phone, email, text, advertisement or door-to-door marketing – are probably not legitimate.