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CGC Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Call for Application Participants
The Coalition for Green Capital (CGC) application webinar provides you with an overview of participation, timeline, and materials needed to join

Minnesota Considers Green Bank Legislation As EPA Prepares to Make Federal Clean Energy Investments
As the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) prepares to award $27 billion from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF), several states are

SELF Leads Climate Resiliency Efforts Across The South
The Solar and Energy Loan Fund (SELF) recently reached a significant milestone: they deployed more than $30 million in financing for green

NEW REPORT: American Green Bank Consortium Partners Caused Record $4.6B in Investment in 2022
The Coalition for Green Capital (CGC), doing business as the American Green Bank Consortium (Consortium), announced today that its network of

New CGC Partnerships Will Help the National Green Bankย Reach Underserved Communities
The Coalition for Green Capital (CGC) recently announced the formation of new strategic partnerships with clean energy lenders and investors including

Oswaldo Acosta Believes Green Banks & CDFIs Can Help Lead Americaโs Transition to a Clean Power Platform
Oswaldo Acosta joined the Coalition for Green Capitalโs Board of Directors last year with an eagerness to spur collaboration and strengthen