CGC Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Call for Application Participants

The Coalition for Green Capital (CGC) application webinar provides you with an overview of participation, timeline, and materials needed to join our applications under the National Clean Investment Fund (NCIF) and Clean Communities Investment Accelerator (CCIA) competitions for the EPA’s $27 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF).

Our approach to the GGRF application emphasizes a “big green tent” composed of green banks, community leaders, community organizations, and partners; because a just transition requires an unprecedented level of collaboration and coordination to develop a national pipeline that can equitably and rapidly drive clean energy adoption.

Here at CGC, we welcome all eligible recipients to participate because we know that a greener future, for and with communities, is only possible when we work together. We look forward to including more partners in our applications and developing a future where we all work to meet our nation’s ambitious climate goals. 

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