After House Passage, Nearly 100 Groups Urge Senate to Add Clean Energy Jobs Accelerator in Recovery Package

July 22, 2020

After House Passage, Nearly 100 Groups Urge Senate to Add Clean Energy Jobs Accelerator in Recovery Package 

House provided $20B for nonprofit accelerator based on National Climate Bank concept

Clean energy industry has lost at least 600,000 jobs due to COVID19

WASHINGTON—Nearly 100 organizations today sent a letter to U.S. Senate leaders requesting they include $20 billion to start a clean energy jobs nonprofit accelerator in the economic relief package being crafted. With that funding and the nonprofit’s creation, 3 million jobs would be created. Last month, the U.S. House passed the accelerator and funding (based on the National Climate Bank Act) by a vote of 243-178.

With tens of millions of American jobs lost due to the COVID-19 pandemic so far—600,000 in the clean energy industry alone—and studies showing that up to 42 percent of those jobs will not return, the groups argue that Congress must urgently make long term investments that create jobs and build a cleaner future. 

“Throughout our nation’s history during times of immense challenge, we have taken bold action to build a better future for our country. Voters expect Congress to continue this tradition,” the groups wrote.

The letter, spearheaded by the Coalition for Green Capital, was signed by a diverse group of industry, trade and environmental advocacy groups, along with state and local officials. Large environmental organizations include the Sierra Club, Environmental Defense Fund, National Resources Defense Council, League of Conservation Voters, Union of Concerned Scientists, Climate Reality Project, and Appalachian Voices. 

Other key clean energy industry groups— Solar Energy Industries Association, Energy Storage Association, Vote Solar, and Advanced Energy Management Alliance—added their voices. 

State green banks and funding agencies, innovative start-ups and larger corporations, clean tech investors, utilities and regional advocacy groups—from Alaska to Hawaii, Florida to Michigan, Colorado to Pennsylvania and dozens more states—all signed on to support. Their support signals that this proposal is an effective way to put people to work and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The accelerator, as envisioned in S. 2057 Sens. Chris Van Hollen and Ed Markey, would use the green bank model to pair each public dollar with multiple private ones to build a range of clean energy projects throughout the U.S. This includes renewable power, building efficiency, grid infrastructure like transmission, industrial decarbonization, clean transportation, reforestation and climate-resilient infrastructure. Because the dollars are repaid over time, they can be recycled to make additional investments in the future. 

Twenty percent of the funds must go to low-income and climate-impacted communities, many of which have also been hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The groups added: “Immediate economic relief is essential in this crisis, but so too is providing a livelihood for the millions of American families and households out of work. Voters across parties want Congress to invest in clean energy job creation to put Americans back to work.”

Recent national polling shows eight out of 10 Americans want Congress to create clean energy jobs and seven out of 10 support depositing $35 billion into a fund to achieve this. The groups concluded: “Voters across parties want Congress to invest in clean energy job creation to put Americans back to work.”

Read the letter and full listing of groups that signed it below. 


The Honorable Mitch McConnell                     
Majority Leader of the Senate                                              

The Honorable Chuck Schumer                    
Minority Leader of the Senate                                   

United States Senate                 
Washington, DC 20510                                                                                             

Dear Leader McConnell and Minority Leader Schumer:

Last week, U.S. Treasury Sec. Steve Mnuchin asked Congress to pass additional economic relief, especially for industries that have seen significant job losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. One of those is the clean power and transportation sector, which has already lost 600,000 good-paying jobs that support middle class families.

To get these workers and their families across the country back on their feet, and create millions more new clean energy jobs, we urge you to provide $20 billion for a nonprofit Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator. In June, the House included the nonprofit accelerator and funding when it passed the Moving Forward Act.

Throughout our nation’s history during times of immense challenge, we have taken bold action to build a better future for our country. Voters expect Congress to continue this tradition. In national polls, 4 out of 5 voters want Congress to invest in new jobs to build clean energy infrastructure, like wind turbines, solar panels, power lines, and electric vehicle charging. And 69 percent say the U.S. government should deposit as much as $35B into a nonprofit accelerator to achieve that goal.

The opportunity to build the infrastructure to generate, move, store and use clean and efficient energy is nearly boundless. Trillions of dollars of investment is needed to build clean energy infrastructure that will put millions back to work, strengthen communities, reduce pollution, improve public health, lower energy costs, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator—as envisioned by Sens. Markey and Van Hollen (S.2057) and Rep. Debbie Dingell (H.R.5416) in the National Climate Bank Act of 2019—is a common sense vehicle for this investment because it will pair each public dollar with multiple private ones to build a range of clean energy projects. These projects could include renewable power, building efficiency, grid infrastructure, industrial decarbonization, clean transportation, reforestation, and climate-resilient infrastructure. Every public dollar invested will be repaid by the Accelerator, which means dollars can be recycled to drive even more private investment in the future.

The nonprofit accelerator will use the green bank model that has been proven at the state and local level in the U.S. There are already successful green banks in states like Michigan, Florida, Connecticut and Hawaii, and new ones in place in Colorado, Ohio, and Nevada. These green banks have driven over $5 billion of investment into clean energy; for each public dollar invested, $2.60 of private investment has followed.

To strengthen communities in every corner of America, the nonprofit accelerator will fund the expansion of the existing green banks and help form new regional, state or local green banks across the U.S. This will build a network of local institutions designed expressly to meet the employment, energy, development and environmental needs of that community.

No community will be overlooked: At least 20 percent of the nonprofit accelerator’s investment must go to frontline, low-income and climate-impacted communities. Existing green banks have already proven the possible, delivering clean energy and health benefits to communities that have historically been left behind. This ensures good clean energy jobs are formed throughout the U.S., especially in areas that need them the most.

Immediate economic relief is essential in this crisis, but so too is providing a livelihood for the millions of American families and households out of work. Voters across parties want Congress to invest in clean energy job creation to put Americans back to work. Including and funding Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator will achieve this.



Environmental Non-Profit Organizations

Appalachian Voices

Chesapeake Climate Action Network

The Climate Reality Project

Environmental Defense Fund

Fresh Energy

League of Conservation Voters

Maryland League of Conservation Voters

Natural Resources Defense Council

New Jersey League of Conservation Voters

Sierra Club

Union of Concerned Scientists

Vote Solar


Trade and Industry Associations

Advanced Energy Management Alliance

American Green Bank Consortium

Americans for a Clean Energy Grid

Coalition for Community Solar Access

Coalition for Green Capital

Energy Efficiency Alliance of New Jersey

Energy Storage Association

Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association

Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance

Maryland Building Performance Association

Michigan Energy Efficiency Contractors Association

North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association

Northeast Clean Energy Council

Renewable Energy Alaska

Silicon Valley Leadership Group

Solar Energy Industries Association

Southern Renewable Energy Association


Funds and Community Development Financial Institutions

Atmos Bank

Climate Access Fund

Colorado Clean Energy Fund

Community Office for Resource Efficiency (CORE)

Connecticut Green Bank

DC Green Bank

Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility

Energy Resource Center, Colorado

Energy Outreach Colorado

Florida Solar Energy Loan Fund

Generate Capital

Greenworks Lending

Hawai’i Green Infrastructure Authority

Inclusive Property Capital

Maryland Clean Energy Center

Michigan Saves

Montgomery County Green Bank

Neighborhood Sun Benefit Corporation

New York City Energy Efficiency Corporation

Park City Community Foundation

Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank

Spark Northwest


Clean Energy Companies and Utilities



Aris Energy Solutions, LLC

Atlas Home Energy Solutions

Bicky Corman Law PLLC


Build Efficiently, LLC




Elevation Lighting Services Company

Energy Efficiency Experts LLC


The Engine

First Cast Communications

Form Energy

Green Generation

Greentown Labs

GRID Alternatives

Ground Loop Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.

Hawaiian Electric

Hunt Consulting

Integro, LLC


Main Street Launch


Mountain View Solar and Wind

PosiGen, Inc.


Raise Green

Recurrent Innovative Solutions, LLC

RER Energy Group

Rivermoor Energy

Solar United Neighbors


Sustainable Real Estate Solutions, Inc.


Zinc8 Energy Solutions


State and Local Governments

Hawai’I State Energy Office





The Honorable John Barrasso

The Honorable Tom Carper

The Honorable Chris Van Hollen

The Honorable Ed Markey


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