CGC Submits Comments on EPA’s Implementation Framework for $27B Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

Washington, DC – The Coalition for Green Capital (CGC) on May 12 submitted comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the recently released framework for the implementation of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF). CGC expressed strong support for the framework and provided comments on key features including collaboration between grant recipients, definitions of qualified projects and technical feedback on the National Clean Investment Fund.

“CGC strongly supports the Implementation Framework, and especially would like to highlight the importance of limiting the number of national recipients for the National Clean Investment Fund, the focused definitions of qualified projects, and the creation of a broad support network of community lenders through the Clean Communities Investment Accelerator to collaboratively provide support for all defined communities,” wrote Eli Hopson, COO and executive director for CGC.

The comments emphasized that collaboration and cooperation between fund recipients both within and across competitions is essential for maximizing the impact of the GGRF and delivering needed investments in underserved communities.

“In order for all of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund programs to be successful, EPA should include in the final detailed notice requirements that applicants demonstrate how they will act collaboratively with the other funding recipients both in each competition, and across competitions,” Hopson wrote. “A race to the top on collaboration can only be created and supported with EPA providing that clarity in each competition, as a required component that rewards applicants for comprehensive and thoughtful plans for collaboration.

“Only acting together can fund recipients guarantee that the maximum benefit is delivered to the residents of these communities, and only by creating lasting institutions that provide for sustainable growth and generate wealth centered in each of these communities can we guarantee that the community is fully invested in and receiving the benefits of the clean energy economy,” Hopson wrote.

Read the comments here.

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