As part of the redesign of CGC’s website, we have now posted many of CGC’s work products and presentations on our new Resources Page. This includes presentations delivered at conferences, lectures delivered at universities, and full Green Bank studies produced in partnership with various state governments. We’ve also linked to excellent Green Bank materials produced by other organizations such as the DOE and the OECD.
Here are quick examples of the content we’ve posted on our Resources Page:
- CGC’s new Green Bank Resources Page includes the Nevada Green Bank Report and related presentations that CGC recently completed for the Nevada state legislature. This work was done in partnership with the Governor’s Office of Energy, and outlines specific market opportunities and implementation plans for the creation of a Green Bank in great detail.
- CGC has also posted a thorough report it completed for the Maryland legislature. The report goes into great detail on the necessary steps that must be taken to transform the Maryland Clean Energy Center, an existing clean energy financing institution, into a full-fledged Green Bank. The report includes specific analysis of the markets a Green Bank could serve, what financial products would be most effective in Maryland, and how to capitalize a Maryland Green Bank.
- CGC’s Green Bank White Paper, which details the key features and activities of a Green Bank, as well as pathways for creating Green Banks, is also available on the Resources Page. This is an excellent resource for anyone seeking a comprehensive introduction to the core Green Bank concept.
And there is a great deal of quality content on the Resources Page beyond these three examples! We encourage visitors to explore and learn from the content on our Resources Page. We’ll be constantly adding to the page with more original content, and linking to valuable materials from operating Green Banks around the world.