Update from the Executive Director: Growth at CGC

An update from CGC’s Executive Director Jeff Schub:

I am thrilled to announce exciting growth and development for the CGC team as we kick-off 2020.

First, I am pleased to share that Alejandra Nunez has joined CGC as our first General Counsel. Ale comes to CGC from Sierra Club, where, as a Senior Attorney, she led litigation and regulatory work on a range of climate change policies. This includes the Clean Power Plan and the New Source Performance Standards, the CAFE and GHG vehicle standards for light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles, carbon pricing, clean transportation policies, and more. She worked on several legislative initiatives, and also focused on environmental justice matters, building partnerships with environmental justice groups and advocating for the inclusion of EJ concerns into multiple climate policies at the federal and state levels. At CGC she’ll spearhead much of the legislative and coalition-building work for the National Climate Bank campaign, as well as support legal activity across the organization.

I am also excited to share that Jill Bunting has been promoted to Deputy Director of CGC. After taking on increasing responsibility and leadership at the organization, Jill will now guide CGC’s growing portfolio of Green Bank creation projects. She will continue to be most heavily involved in state and local Green Bank projects in the U.S. And in this new role Jill will also take on a larger share of responsibility for management, fundraising and administration at the organization.

Last but not least, Rob Youngs has been promoted to Director, International Green Bank Development. For more than 4 years Rob has worked tirelessly around the world to advance the Green Bank field in developing countries. He’s also built unparalleled expertise on how Green Banks interact and engage with national development banks, DFIs and climate funds like the Green Climate Fund. With his growing network of partners and Green Bank know-how, Rob has grown the pipeline of opportunity in South America and Asia. He has also positioned the Green Bank Network and the new Green Bank Development Platform for future success.

CGC could not be more excited about the team we are building and the work in front of us in 2020!

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