Maryland Clean Energy Center

The Maryland Clean Energy Center (MCEC) is a corporate instrumentality of the state created by the General Assembly with a statute-directed mission to advance clean energy and energy efficiency products, services, and technologies as part of a specific economic development strategy.

MCEC is managed by a board of directors who are appointed by the Governor. MCEC also maintains an advisory council, composed of both public and private stakeholders acting in the energy sector, who help guide the work plan of the organization.

As a green bank entity, working to build the clean energy economy in the state, MCEC focuses on three areas of effort: access to capital, innovation advancement, and educational outreach.

MCEC has an economic development mission to advance the adoption of clean energy, and energy efficiency products, services and technologies.

MCEC engages in efforts to help create and retain jobs; drive economic and business development in local communities; assist in the commercialization of innovative technologies; reduce energy costs for consumers, and drive reductions in greenhouse gas emissions associated with the use of fossil fuels.

MCEC is authorized by statute to facilitate public-private and public-public partnerships and uses these unique financing capabilities to accomplish its mission. MCEC also leverages private capital and private sector capabilities to help homeowners and businesses save money on their energy bills.

With the implementation of the Clean Energy Advantage (CEA) Loan Program in 2022 and the Maryland Clean Energy Capital Program (MCAP) in 2012, MCEC is working to remove barriers associated with access to capital for residential, commercial, institutional, municipal, and not-for-profit consumers who wish to make energy improvements and related capital investments. In addition, MCEC oversees the Maryland Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (MDPACE) Program. In keeping with its mission to support tech to market commercialization of energy technologies emerging from universities and labs in the state, MCEC also operates the Maryland Energy Innovation Accelerator (MEIA).