Missouri Green Bank

The Missouri Green Bank™ is a division of Missouri Clean Energy District. Green Banking is a critical component of the District’s Mission to help support and execute goals such as those outlined in the Missouri Comprehensive State Energy Plan (CSEP) developed by the Division of Energy. The plan lays out a framework for how Missouri will balance environmental, economic and social needs for the state in years to come.

The Missouri Green Bank™ provides a focal point for a statewide effort to accelerate investment in clean energy deployment to achieve economic prosperity, create jobs, promote energy security and address climate change. The Missouri Green Bank™ leverages public and private funds to drive education and investment thereby accelerating clean energy deployment in Missouri while creating jobs and enhancing economic development.

As conceived, the Missouri Green Bank™ provides a platform for a wide variety of financing products that address the needs of residents and businesses by closing funding gaps for clean energy projects, renewable and energy efficiency improvements through loans, leases, credit enhancements and other financial mechanisms.