What We Do

CGC’s Unique Method

CGC takes a holistic approach to clean energy investment, and has built a track record of hands-on expertise that remains unique among both non-profit institutions and for-profit consultants. A few key principles underlie CGC’s approach to establishing new green banks and supporting the broader green bank ecosystem.

What We Do

Incubate & Support Green Banks

CGC creates national, regional and local green banks that finance clean energy projects in partnership with the private sector. CGC has unique expertise evaluating markets, designing institutional models, drafting legislation and forming green banks in geographies around the world.

Raise & Deploy Capital

CGC partners with green banks to raise, organize and deploy capital to finance clean energy projects and support green bank operations. From foundations and impact investors to commercial lenders and development institutions, CGC seeks to connect capital to emissions-reducing projects.

Spur Expansion and Growth

CGC is a thought leader, convener and field catalyst for green banks. CGC supports the growth of a robust industry through research, networking, events and communication. This includes operating the American Green Bank Consortium and the global Green Bank Network, two membership organizations which convene green bank institutions.

How We Do It

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Design and create green banks

CGC works with local partners to carefully evaluate and understand specific clean energy markets needs and investment opportunities. This allows us to build tailored business plans and formation strategies to launch green banks within the United States and around the world.

Raise green bank funding

CGC engages government, philanthropy, impact investors and commercial capital providers to secure both operating funds and loan capital for green banks.

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Provide ongoing support and help green banks learn

CGC doesn’t leave once a new green bank is formed. It supports the launch process and ongoing operations to ensure projects get financed and the organization can scale. CGC also connects new and existing green banks together through strong networks, so they can learn best practices and collaborate on joint activity.

Drive the switch to clean energy

By working at the level of individual institutions while also keeping the bigger picture in mind, CGC helps finance flows to clean energy projects that would otherwise struggle to obtain capital and be constructed. Low-cost financing, loan guarantees, technical assistance, and other financial tools are all options that green banks use to connect projects to capital. This accelerates the expansion of cost-competitive clean energy in serving more customers in more geographies.

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Fight climate change and protect our planet

Climate change is an emergency, and a central part of the fight against climate change is deploying clean energy solutions rapidly and at scale. CGC keeps this mission front and center every day as we build green banks.