National Green Bank

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Our Work:
The Coalition for Green Capital has been working to accelerate clean energy investments nationwide for over a decade. Through strategic partnerships and innovative financing, we can expand the reach of state and local green banks, CDFIs, and other finance institutions, to equitably drive accessibility to clean energy financing and empower communities to embrace a greener future.

Our Mission:
We accelerate investments in the clean economy to reduce emissions and improve the quality of life for all Americans. By leveraging both public and private partnerships and the power of responsive financing, our network works to remove barriers to clean technology and increase energy abundance by, for, and with communities.

The U.S. EPA took a big step toward a greener future by capitalizing the first US national green bank through the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF).

The EPA selected the Coalition for Green Capital for an award of $5 billion to capitalize a national green bank under The National Clean Investment Fund competition and $125 million under Solar for All to establish green banks and accelerate the development of solar in North and South Dakota.

Our team is currently preparing to deploy this capital and unleash the catalytic impact of clean energy across the country. To follow our progress, receive updates, and find out how you can work with us, subscribe to our newsletter.

Sparking greater public and private clean energy investment

Our Impact

Supporting Green Banks around the world